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Early Bird Pricing Extended

It’s the end of July, and I have not been really diligent about communicating with our various mailing lists. I feel a little bad about that, so I got Helen and Jennifer to let me extend the “early bird” 10% discount until August 15th. That way, when I do get around to emailing everyone this weekend, they will have at least a couple of weeks to decide before the price goes up.

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Ready for September 2022!

I guess that I am getting better with practice, because this time it only took me two days to get the website updated with the September 2022 workshop info. We had to update the WooCommerce PayPal gateway, which now has more options; but unfortunately, it still at first appears as though you need a PayPal account to check-out and pay. (Which is not the case — you can pay by credit card / debit card; but you have to click on “PayPal” to see the credit / debit card option.)

I still am not a huge fan of WordPress, but I have to admit that the “blocks” editor now has most of the functionality I want, and it is a lot faster than it used to be. (Some of that may be that we have faster internet at the house now, though.) I still am strongly tempted to just redo everything from the ground up in Elm. But that is not gonna happen this month; and tbh, I have no idea how to approach handling payments in a safe and sane manner. (Thanks for making that possible, WooCommerce and PayPal, even for dingbats like moi! Sorry I talk so much smack about you.)

ANYway — registration for the online (thank you, Zoom and Vimeo, for making that easy) September workshop events is now open! I still want to update some of the graphics. But the main thing is, the dates are now correct, and people can sign up. Yay!!

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Getting ready for September 2022

It’s official — we are again hosting Dr. Bill Bengston for his Bengston Method Energy Healing ® lecture and workshop events! So I am updating our pages with current dates, times, fees, etc. Once again, it will be online via Zoom. I have mixed feelings about this — I enjoyed the in-person event; but there is no denying that holding it online opens things up to many more people. Some day, perhaps we can do a “best of both worlds” hybrid event, where it is in person and online. There would be some technical challenges, which would be a whole ‘nother layer of fun.