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Website updated (FAQ next)

Hello everyone! I got the dates on the website updated, and I got the “early bird’ discount working (pay before Aug. 15 for 10% off!) I refunded the 10% to everyone who had already paid, and I processed refunds for the two people who didn’t wish to attend the workshop now that it’s moved online. All in all, not bad progress.

Next is to update the FAQ with all the new frequently asked questions. I expect to have time for that before the weekend. After that, I’m adding some kind of Turing test to the Friday Lectures registration page — since it’s free, I’m a little worried about spambots signing up; and I surely don’t want to leave an avenue for Zoom-bombers to abuse. And somewhere in there, I’ve got to do something about the graphics — so tacky-looking, it causes Helen physical pain. But it was quick, so that was the trade-off.

Also as the workshop draws nigh, I’m making a commitment to check the email and comments daily. In the past, I figured once a week was good enough (and I didn’t always hit that target). But now, once a day is the minimum. Cheers!